
Learn more about our grant program

Grant Application

Who we help

Thank you for your interest in the Adler’s Voice Grant Program. Adler’s Voice will provide assistance to children and young adults up to age 21 residing in Oregon who experience a complex communication disorder so that they may access the tools they need to communicate to the best of their abilities. It is our belief that the ability to communicate in any way opens doors for all individuals.

What we do

Adler’s Voice provides Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices and software as well as funding for services, such as speech therapy sessions and sign language courses, to individuals with complex communication disorders. Grant awards are currently limited to $750 in value. Applications requesting Assistive Technology for educational purposes will not be considered. When a general-purpose device such as an iPad is provided, this device will be secured against the installation of additional applications besides the AAC software that is part of the grant.

How to apply

In order to apply, please download and complete one of the application forms linked below and mail it to the address specified on the first page of the form. Since incomplete or unsigned applications cannot be reviewed, please take the time to fill in all fields and sign the form after completion. If an iPad is being requested, please make sure to read the iPad Agreement at the end of the application form. In order to fulfill the requirements for a successful application, you will also have to attach the following documents:

1. Income verification (for instance, pay stubs, social security award letters, current bank statements with direct deposit, and the like) covering the 30 days that precede the application
2. Copies of most recent IEP and/or speech evaluation
3. A written recommendation for the equipment or service being requested from a physician, physical therapist, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist or educator
4. Signed Authorization to Release Healthcare Information

For your convenience, forms have been provided for (3) and (4). You will find them attached to the application form below. Applications will be reviewed between 30 to 45 days from date of receipt. Those applicants that have been approved will be notified by phone. Applicants submitting incomplete or ineligible applications will be notified by mail. If you would like to apply, please download the file linked below.

Did you know?

2nd most common
reason for special education in public schools is speech and language im­pairment.

Did you know?

Special education eligibility is about
3 times
greater for speech and language dis­orders than it is for autism or intel­lectual disability.


Help us help these children! Your do­na­tion will change the life of a child and their fami­ly. Thank you very much for sup­port­ing our mission!

We are always looking for vol­un­teers, so if time is your gift, don’t hesi­tate to con­tact us!


Joshua was born with a genetic dis­order, deaf­ness, and a sei­zure dis­order. By age 11, his com­mu­ni­ca­tion abili­ties were still those of a two-year-old. We creat­ed a per­sona­liz­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem that pro­vides him with an ef­fec­tive way to ex­press thoughts, to make choices, and to ex­pand on his emerg­ing sign lan­guage.

October 20, 2021

For the sixth year, Adler’s Voice is providing a little assistance to families in need this holiday season.

September 12, 2020

The Fall 2020 edition of our newsletter is now available for download in print-ready form.


Adler’s Voice
PO Box 6344
Bend, Oregon 97708

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