
Help us help these children

Give A Voice

We are a privately funded, largely volunteer-based nonprofit organization, and therefore we cannot fulfill our mission without the generous help of our donors and sponsors. Together we can make sure that every child has a voice. You can have the confidence that every dollar you donate will benefit children and their families and goes directly to our programming.

Let us give you just a few examples of how your donations will be put to work. A donation of $ 750 will allow us to provide one child with a new communication device or with the means for attending fifteen speech therapy lessons. With a donation of $ 500, we can send a child to a week-long sign language camp, while a donation of $ 360 will allow us to provide one year of DIY Assistive Technology workshops for 120 families. With a donation of $ 150, we can organize much needed translation services for our Spanish-speaking families or provide a scholarship for one family to attend our two-day AAC Bootcamp conference. Paying for one speech therapy lesson for a child will require $ 50, and $ 30 will enable us to provide one training class for families supported by our grant program.

Please consider making a donation of any amount to help us provide a voice to the most vulner­able population in our community: non­verbal children with a disability. You may either use your PayPal account or donate by credit card, using PayPal as well as our payment processor Stripe. Donations made by check can be made payable to Adler’s Voice and mailed to Adler’s Voice, PO Box 6344, Bend, Oregon 97708. Adler’s Voice is a registered tax-exempt organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Thank you very much for your support!

Donate with Stripe
Did you know?

An estimated
40 million Americans
experience speech, language, or hear­ing impairments.

Did you know?

Speech and lan­guage disorders affect up to
16 percent
of all children from birth to age 21 in the United States.


Adler’s Voice pro­vides rele­vant train­ings to all in­di­vid­uals that use or sup­port a per­son who uses Aug­men­tati­ve and Al­ter­na­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Our on­line cours­es are avail­able for free to fa­mi­lies, care­giv­ers and pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in the field of AAC.


Five-year-old Parker has Down Syndrome. Poor in­tel­li­gibil­ity and a limit­ed vo­cabu­lary were bar­riers to his abil­ity to en­gage and inter­act with his family, teach­ers and peers. The new com­mu­ni­ca­tion system we pro­vided allows him to par­tici­pate in school ac­tiv­ities and aca­dem­ics like never before.

October 20, 2021

For the sixth year, Adler’s Voice is providing a little assistance to families in need this holiday season.

September 12, 2020

The Fall 2020 edition of our newsletter is now available for download in print-ready form.


Adler’s Voice
PO Box 6344
Bend, Oregon 97708

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